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Stavanger 2008 Watercolours project

Watercolours is the first major project of the Stavanger 2008 program to be seen. It has several phases, with the first parts being switched on as part of the opening celebrations in Sandnes on 11 January.
All parts of this project are free to view.

Stavanger 2008 Watercolours - fun at the wishing well
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the Wishing Well floor is a matrix of variable-coloured light cells There will be a large illuminated panel called Ønskebrønnen (Wishing Well) at ruten, beside the train and bus stations.
Part of the river Storånå as it reaches the fjord at the guest harbour will be illuminated.
There will be waterfalls of light coming down the mountain on the opposite side of the fjord from Stavanger and Sandnes, at Lifjell.

Later in the year there will be other installations.
When : from 18.00 on 11 January 2008, to 1 January 2009, with parts of the project starting or finishing during this period.
Where : various locations in and around Sandnes
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Distance from Stavanger: 15km

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more fun at the wishing well
Watercolours is a project of light displays in and around Sandnes Norway, as part of the Stavanger 2008 European Capital of Culture celebrations
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See also:
Stavanger 2008 event guide
Mot Himlaleite in Sauda
Hotels in the Sandnes area 
Stavanger 2008 watercolours project
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