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Ruggesteinen (The Rocking Stone!)

Ruggesteinen is Europe 's largest rocking stone, a boulder weighing around 70 tonnes. The stone is an easy, 1km walk from the car park along an old railway track, suitable for prams, strollers and bikes. This is an area of unspoilt scenery and has few visitors.

it really will rock!
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walk up beside the river

The track follows alongside the river. Ruggesteinen is actually situated on the left across the river via small footbridge. Wheelchairs can go easily along the track but would not be able to cross the river to the stone.

It may take a couple of adults to get the stone rocking. Sit on top and enjoy a ride! From the rock you have a wonderful view up the river valley.

The road continues another 3km beyond Ruggesteinen on a very gradual ascent up to Blafjell Gruver ( Blue Mountain mines), some disused mines. It is a very pleasant walk overlooking the river and sheep meadows.
Map reference:
Rogaland Fylkeskart (scale:1: 200 000) 445 708.
By car:
Drive south from Stavanger on the E39 to Heskestad. Turn right onto 501 to Hauge. Approx 1km after Sokndal church, the road crosses the river. Take immediate left then right to Amot.
On righthandside after about 1.5km
Distance from Stavanger: 110 km
Distance from Hauge i Dalane: 4 km

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easy walk on old railway track
view of the valley beyond the rock Travel time from Stavanger:
approx 1.5 hours
Duration of the visit:
40 minutes
Parking near Linepollen. In the opposite direction from the walk to the stone, it is possible to walk or cycle across the bridge over the river to picnic tables on a grassy area with a childrens' seesaw beside a lake, suitable for bathing on a warm day.
Kids verdict:
Fun to see the stone rocking and to picnic and play in the lake near the carpark.
See also:
Blafjell Gruver
Hotel booking south of Stavanger (Jaeren, Dalene)
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